Author: prakrutimitra

A Guide to FPO/FPC Formation with Prakruti Mitra Discover how Prakruti Mitra guides farmers in forming Farmer Producers Organizations (FPOs) and Farmer Producers Companies (FPCs) for sustainable agriculture. Learn more! For more... Read More

A naturally ventilated polyhouse uses natural airflow through vents and openings to maintain optimal conditions for plant growth, reducing reliance on mechanical ventilation and energy consumption. For more details contact on... Read More

Discover how retail collaborations empower Farmers’ Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Farmers’ Producer Companies (FPCs) to access wider markets and enhance product offerings. For more details contact on +91 97730 47976 Visit: Read More

Protected farming involves growing crops in controlled environments like greenhouses or polyhouses to protect them from weather fluctuations, pests, and diseases, ensuring optimal conditions for year-round cultivation and higher productivity. For... Read More

Transforming Farm-Fresh Produce: The Art of Food Processing and Branding Discover the art of food processing and branding at Prakruti Mitra. Transforming farm-fresh produce into premium-quality products with innovation and dedication... Read More

At Prakruti Mitra, we are dedicated to creating a healthier, more sustainable future for all. Join our community of conscious farmers and consumers who are passionate about organic practices and... Read More

Empowering Farmers for a Sustainable Future: The Impact of Training Programs Discover how farmer training programs by Prakruti Mitra empower sustainable agriculture. Learn about bio-inputs, organic farming, and more. For more information:... Read More