Location: Indonesia

Skaiwork adalah penyedia kantor virtual dan kantor berlayanan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam pekerjaan hukum dan konsultasi. Kami membantu pemilik bisnis memastikan legitimasi perusahaan mereka di mata publik dan pemerintah melalui... Read More

ISO 45001 Certification is an international standard for occupational health and safety management systems. It provides a framework to improve employee safety, reduce workplace risks, and create safer working conditions.... Read More

ISO 45001 Certification is a worldwide recognized ISO standard for occupational health and safety. ISO 45001:2018 Certification become advanced to mitigate any elements that could reason employees & businesses-irreparable harm.... Read More

Our comprehensive teacher training programs (200hr and 500hr) empower students to deepen their practice and share their passion for yoga with others. We also offer yoga retreats, workshops, and daily... Read More

Our comprehensive teacher training programs (200hr and 500hr) empower students to deepen their practice and share their passion for yoga with others. We also offer yoga retreats, workshops, and daily... Read More

Elevate your transfer booking experience with IT4T's Transfer Booking Engine Software. Designed for travel agents, our software simplifies the process of selling transfers and boosts profitability with effortless markup management... Read More

Compliance with regulatory and legal requirements is a critical aspect of organizational growth. Various industries are subject to strict data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe, HIPAA in the... Read More

Hotel owners in Kuwait opt for Sistema Certification to obtain ISO certification due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, Sistema Certification is renowned for its expertise and credibility in assessing and... Read More

ISO 45001 certification is crucial for industries where workplace safety is paramount. It is commonly required in sectors such as manufacturing, construction, logistics, and healthcare. These industries involve significant risks... Read More

Peluncuran Aplikasi SundaDigi bersamaan dengan Dies Natalis Unpad ke-66

Universitas Padjadjaran telah meluncurkan sebuah aplikasi bernama SundaDigi bersamaan dengan Dies Natalis UNPAD yang ke-66, melalui Pusat Digitalisasi dan Pengembangan Budaya Sunda. Aplikasi ini dapat diakses oleh siapa saja melalui... Read More